This last week while I sat in my chair having coffee, on one of the few sunny days we have had in awhile, I struggled over how much I would like to share the entirety of the Garrison book with others. Not at the end of this year, or early next year, but now. Sometimes the earnestness to share the story tears me up inside, because it is after all, part of what the great commission means to me – to “go tell” others about Jesus and how he’s changed my life. It just happens to be that my way of telling others seems to be really time consuming because it takes awhile to write and illustrate a graphic novel! After which, I felt a familiar nudge saying that, just because the release of the Garrison book is a ways away, it doesn’t mean I can’t share words and pictures that put a smile on my face, comfort in my heart, and could hopefully do the same for others.
When I picture myself beyond the Garrison book, I often imagine these one-off illustrations, paired with verses or kind words that bring that kind of joy and honor to Him at the same time. With sketches, verses, illustrations, cards, and stories, I hope to share this Stronghold Art with you as I work on the book, here and on social channels like Instagram and Facebook. Also I’m making the prints and cards available through the Stronghold Art Shop on Etsy. All proceeds help me to continue my work on the book which I appreciate very much!